In the Scriptures, taking your shoes off had a very special meaning. When Moses had his first confrontation with God at the burning bush, God told him to take off his shoes because he was standing on holy ground. Jesus walked barefoot to Calvary. In the culture of that time, being unshod was the sign that you were a slave. A slave had no rights. Jesus gave us the supreme example of giving up everything for a great goal. Loren Cunningham “Making Jesus Lord" / Marc 8:34,35

April 21, 2011

Rob Bell meets Robbed Hell

Rob Bell has finally come out and is showing his true colors: he is a five points universalist (if there is such a five points for it. I'm just using some reference from Calvinism). He video and book “Love Wins” is going viral through the web and the church.
Some guys made a very funny video about it.
I'm posting bellow the two videos. First the Rob Bell one and after that Robbed Hell.
Have fun.

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